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Fundamental Music

Dagsland, Sigvart - Michelangelo

Dagsland, Sigvart - Michelangelo

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Michelangelo is recorded on Norwegian Euphonium accompanied by the Eikanger-Bjørsvik band. Fundamental Music is proud to present this popular piece in versions for wind band and piano accompaniments respectively. Norwegian singer and songwriter Sigvart Dagsland is the man behind the pop song about Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michelangelo (1475-1564). Dagsland, born in Stavanger but lives in Bergen, is a well respected artist in Norway. He is famous for his great melodies and strong lyrics, which often have a Christian undertone. In Michelangelo, the lyricist Erik Hillestad describes the Italian’s life as a haunted man – and Dagsland’s beautiful melancholic tune underlines the serious message in the lyrics. The song was first recorded on the album Bedre enn stillhet (Better than Silence) from 1992.

The arranger, Frode Rydland, is the soprano cornetist and one of my good friends from Eikanger-Bjørsvik. He is also a freelance trumpeter, teacher and conductor in addition to his highly productive arranging carrier. Frode got a commission from the Bergen Brass Band and conductor Stian Svendsen to arrange a show compiled of Dagsland’s music for the 2004 Siddis Brass entertainment contest. Michelangelo is a lovely melody, and Frode’s arrangement is top class as always. The piece has certainly proved to be a great success as a euphonium solo.

Fundamental Music was established in October 2005. ‘Fundamental’ came up when I was searching for anagrams to the name of my son, Amund Flaten. ‘Fundamental’ is indeed a perfect anagram to his name, thus giving the word a strong personal meaning and association. For me, music is also a fundamental aspect of my life.

The Tormod Flaten Solo Series features the first published works on Fundamental Music and it consists solely of arrangements and compositions for euphonium. Most of the first published titles are recorded on my CD’s Flight and Norwegian Euphonium and we continue to bring out more quality music in this series.

-Tormod Flaten

Parts: BC and TC

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