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Pinnacle Brass

Nogueroles, Eduardo - The True Story of Pinnochio - English Version - DOWNLOAD

Nogueroles, Eduardo - The True Story of Pinnochio - English Version - DOWNLOAD

Regular price $39.99 USD
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In "The True Story of Pinocchio" the wooden doll carved by Gepetto must be sincere, kind and obedient if he wants to become a real boy. But his curiosity and mischievous character will lead him to meet eccentric people and live surprising adventures, including learning to play a musical instrument like the Tuba.

Fun adaptation for the whole family of the famous story by Carlo Collodi, which shows the importance of values such as respect, responsibility, kindness and friendship.
The live music, composed expressly for the narration, takes on a singular importance in the story, making us enjoy this wonderful tale as never before.

See you at the theater. In the meantime... Don't tell lies!

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