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Frey, Adam - The Art of Practice

Frey, Adam - The Art of Practice

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The second volume of exercises by Adam Frey.  An in-depth look at the most common problems in developing your dynamic control and mastering articulation variety.   Clear and precise exercises to help build awareness coupled with explanations and insights on how to use technology to help win at the Game of Practice.

Problems addressed


  1. Different dynamics do not sound different
  2. Lack of awareness of how air feels between different dynamics
  3. Loud dynamics are not loud
  4. Soft dynamics are not soft
  5. Tuning is a problem whenever I change dynamics
  6. Crescendos are not effective or smooth
  7. Decrescendos are not effective or smooth
  8. Sudden (subito) dynamic changes are not effective or sudden
  9. It is difficult to play soft in the high range
  10. It is difficult to play loud in the low range
  11. I need BIGGER louds and smaller softs



  1. Lack of awareness that different articulations do not sound different
  2. Staccato/short notes are not really short
  3. Tenuto note attacks are mushy and the tempo slows down
  4. Short, medium, and long notes are not effective
  5. Lack of awareness about different articulation strengths
  6. Accents do not sound accented, just louder
  7. Accents are too short
  8. Unclear difference between normal, accent, and marcato
  9. I think my notes are short but my teacher or conductor say they are medium?!?
  10. I think my notes are accented but my teacher or conductor say they sound normal?!?


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